Topics of interests to cyclists in the Region. Includes cycling related news, information, and calls to action.
Featured Issues
Close Call on Your Bicycle? Map it!
Riding a bike can be fun and exhilarating, but the possibility of a crash is a concern for even the most experienced rider. Many riders will go well out of their way to stay off certain roads, worried about staying safe in traffic. It may surprise you to know that...
Don’t Swipe My Bike!
Discovering that your bicycle has been stolen hits you with an instant sinking feeling. Who would take your bicycle? Can you get it back? Could you have prevented it from getting stolen? At the Peterborough Bicycle Advisory Committee, our work to make the city and...
Winter Wheels presents a how-to guide to winter riding
Winter Wheels is an annual program run by B!KE in Peterborough, Ontario. Winter Wheels aims to increase the number of people who ride bikes in winter. This video highlights some of the skills and techniques that we believe will help you make riding all winter...
Peterborough 2020 Cycling Review
As we enter a new year, we would like to thank you for your role in helping to make Peterborough more bike friendly, whether it is helping a neighbour find a route to work, stopping to help pump up someone's tires, or by participating in surveys. Scroll through the...
Bike Lanes on Charlotte
Why is this an issue now? Currently, the City is undertaking road work along three sections of Charlotte Street. Stretches of Clonsilla Avenue and Charlotte Street to the west of downtown are undergoing a resurfacing and restriping process completed once every 20+...
Cycling Infrastructure and Peterborough
How is the way people move around cities changing? Over the past decade or more, cycling has become an increasingly important part of the urban transportation scene. Peterborough is no exception to this trend. In a smaller city such as ours comes greater accessibility...
Complete Streets
What are Complete Streets? Complete Streets are simply streets designed and built for everyone. They are different from streets designed for people driving cars first and everyone else second—the way we have built streets for the last century or so. Complete Streets...
Other Issues
Teach the Reach – Sign the Petition
Share the Road needs our help to get the required signatures on this petition:The Teach the Reach Act would see the Dutch reach method enshrined in driver’s education, making sure that the next generation of drivers is equipped with the knowledge to prevent ‘dooring’...
2017 Peterborough Bicycle Advisory Committee Survey
The Peterborough Bicycle Advisory Committee conducted a survey of local people interested in cycling to find out how safe and welcome they feel cycling in Peterborough. The Committee works to make the city and county more bike friendly, so they wanted to see where we...
Provincial Election 2018: Where the Parties Stand on Cycling Issues
As we outlined in our article on the cycling issues important in this year's provincial election, political party policy is important to people who ride bicycles. So we asked local offices of the main parties directly for their positions. We asked each of the main...
Provincial Election – June 2018
It’s Election Time - DON’T LET ONTARIO FALL BEHIND! This year, Ontario will be investing $93 million to provide safe and low-cost commuting options for residents by enabling people to ride their bikes. This represents a doubling of the initial $42.5 million investment...
Share the Road’s Cycling Survey
Share the Road Cycling Coalition released their 2018 opinion poll data at the 10th Annual Ontario Bike Summit on April 18th. The poll found that "Ontarians most often say they would prefer to ride a bicycle more than they do, and a majority say they would do more...