What are Complete Streets?

Complete Streets are simply streets designed and built for everyone. They are different from streets designed for people driving cars first and everyone else second—the way we have built streets for the last century or so. Complete Streets are safer for all users of all ages and abilities: for people walking, riding bikes, driving cars, or taking the bus; for children and the elderly and for those using mobility assistance. Complete Streets make it easy and safe for everyone to use our streets to get somewhere: to get to work, to go shopping, to access services, to get to school, to visit friends and family or just for fun and exercise.

Why should we have Complete Streets?

Complete Streets are fair, safe and have economic benefits. We all pay for our streets so why shouldn’t everyone have equal access to use them? All users are safer when we design Complete Streets. When we design for cars first and others second, we put some users of our streets at very high risk. Giving more users the full benefit of our transportation systems reduces obstacles and increases the number of people who can work, shop and take advantage of services—all of which means a healthier economy (and healthier people, too!).

What does it take to get Complete Streets?

We need communities and their decision makers to direct their transportation planners and engineers to always design and build streets that are safe and easy to by all users, regardless of age, ability, or mode of transportation. Complete Streets cannot be an optional add-on. Evidence shows getting Complete Streets principles embedded into every project means changing city planning policy and rules. It should not be an option for future transportation projects.

What does PBAC want?

PBAC wants City and County policies, procedures and bylaws changed to require all public projects include Complete Streets principles—not have them as “nice-to-have” options.

What can I do to help bring about Complete Streets?

Let your civic representative know Complete Streets are important to you! Write to your city councillor or county representative. Tell them you care about fairness, safety and healthy communities and want to see Complete Street principles in all projects. And follow progress by signing up for the PBAC newsletter.

How can I find out more about Complete Streets?

There is lots of evidence on the value of Complete Streets. Find out more at these sites: