As we outlined in our article on the cycling issues important in this year’s provincial election, political party policy is important to people who ride bicycles. So we asked local offices of the main parties directly for their positions. We asked each of the main parties five questions:

  1. Will you support funding for cycling infrastructure in Ontario? If yes, to what extent?
  2. Would you continue to fund this through the Climate Action Fund? If not, how would you fund it?
  3. Do you support the continued implementation of the Ontario Cycling Action Plan 2.0?
  4. Do you support cycling education in schools and Active and Safe Routes to School programs? If so, how would you fund them?
  5. How would you implement the recommendations of the 2012 Ontario Coroner Report on Cycling Deaths in Ontario?

Here, in alphabetical order, are their responses:

Green Party

No response yet.

Liberal Party

No response yet.

New Democratic Party

Thank you for reaching out regarding the Ontario NDP’s policies to improve cycling in Ontario. Our main commitments to change cycling for the better include:

  • Updating Ontario’s Cycling Strategy, setting a specific goal for the number of trips by bicycle
  • Setting out investment targets to improve cycling infrastructure across Ontario, with a particular focus on commuting routes
  • Passing a Vulnerable Road Users’ Law specifically designed to protect people such as cyclists and pedestrians
  • Requiring cities and municipalities to develop active transportation plans by 2021 that meet the needs and realities of their communities

You are of course invited to review our full platform at where you can find further information and details.

Progressive Conservative Party

No response yet.